[Working Groups] Data Call – June 26, 2014

The Data Working Group met this week to revise and refine upcoming West Coast ocean data priorities and develop some best practices for map projections. You can read the call notes here. The next data working group call will be July 24th 2pm. 

The West Coast Ocean Data Portal (portal.westcoastoceans.org) is seeking input on data priorities related to West Coast ocean health issues like sea level rise, marine debris, ocean acidification, and marine planning. Draft data priorities are presented as both a summary (themes) and detailed assessment (datasets). These themes represent true data gaps as well as data sets that exist but that the West Coast Ocean Data Portal has not been able to connect to yet. It will be used to inform data collection and development activities over the next year. What priorities would you like the WCODP to address?

The WCODP is also hoping to refine the West Coast Ocean Data Best Practices and Policies to include recommendations around map projections for different purposes. Early drafts have included recommendations for Google Web Mercator, Geographic Coordinate Systems, a Custom Transverse Mercator, and a custom Albers projection. If you have thoughts or comments please share them below.